Monday, August 25, 2008

Dashboard - Beryllium: RSS 2.0 Reader Object Model 1.18 (Freeware)

You can use this RSS Reader to create a new RSS model or to read existing ones from a XML DOM or source file. Read More

Dashboard - Social Trends for July

Google stays at the top. Live and Furl are gaining momentum. More trends here. addthis_url = ''; addthis_title = 'Social Trends for July'; addthis_pub = '';

Google stays at the top. Live and Furl are gaining momentum. More trends here.

Social Bormaking Trends

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Widgets - Security Center Lite 1.3.9 (Trial)

This security software will monitor network traffic and protect you from potential intruders. Read More

Download - Technorati Claiming set-up

Technorati Claiming set-up
Technorati Profile

Download - Best Buy Sara Moulton Episode Reminder

Best Buy Sara Moulton Episode Reminder
Don't want to miss an episode of “Making Your Kitchen Cook”? You don't have to. Download this Widget, and you'll know the minute a new episode is served up.

Dashboard - FireBug 1.2.0b15 (Freeware)

FireBug 1.2.0b15 (Freeware)
Lets you explore the far corners of the DOM by keyboard or mouse

Widgets - The Media Manager Queue

Media Manager is the easiest way to write about Amazon items in MT. Media Manager provides a simple queue to serve as a central location for you to manage all of media assets for your blog. From here you can... Read More

Dashboard - RSS Hugger

Collin LaHay has come up with an idea called RSSHugger, it's a site that allows webmasters to promote their RSS feeds by adding them to the site. You can add your own page but it will cost you 20US dollars (10 is you blog about RSSHugger).

RSS Hugger seems to be a cross between an RSS directory and a wiki. Collin wants the directory to grow to 50,000 blogs which he claims is 0.00045 percent of the blogosphere.

The idea behind the new site is to create buzz and generate new RSS subscribers for RSS feeds that are added to the site. When you buy a page you basically get your feed headlines displayed on your own page within RSSHugger. Whether or not enough buzz is created to generate any new subscribers to members feeds remains to be seen.

This post is from the Newsniche website and should not be reproduced elsewhere. Why not subscribe to the RSS feed and get this information delivered straight to your News reader.

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Widgets - radio2XS WMP Tuner

Enables you to listen to the radio2XS mono lo-fi MP3 stream, using Windows Media Player. Note: The Widget doesn't play our stereo aacPlus MP4 stream. Read More

Dashboard - CVT i3101 iPhone Dock Doesn't Need Your Stinkin' iPhone [Cvt]

The CVT i3101 is not so different than the countless other iPhone/iPod alarm clocks we've seen on the market, but it does have a few standout features. First off, it's wall-mountable, saving you... Read More

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dashboard - Archos Gen-6 5G PMP is 3G Web Surfing, HD Video, Touchscreen Beauty [PMPs]

Archos Gen-6 5G PMP is 3G Web Surfing, HD Video, Touchscreen Beauty [PMPs]
Archos just revealed what that curtain tease was all about: the 6th Gen Archos 5, 5G and 7 series PMPs. The 4.8" flagship 5G ditches the tired interface and buttons of the Gen-5 device for a slick UI...

Dashboard - Jay-Z's Motorola Bluetooth Headphones Start East Coast/West Coast Rapper Headphone War [Jay-z Headphones]

Jay-Z's upcoming Bluetooth headphones don't look nearly as good as Dr. Dre's noise canceling version, but their mere existence sparks a new East Coast/West Coast gadget war. We can't tell which we... Read More

Widgets - Startfox 9.13 (GPL)

Startfox 9.13 (GPL)
An application that allows you to manage your internet traffic.

Download - TideApp 1.1

Predicts tides for a great number of ports all around the world.
About TideApp
Brings tidal data right to your Desktop. The application displays the current tide conditions, along with daily highs and lows with their accompanying times. Will support multiple instances, so feel free to add 3 or 4 or dozens of widgets to your dashboard!

KNOWN ISSUE: Will work in Previous OS X versions, but the “Current Tide” arrow may be cut off.
Read More

Widgets - Office 14 Alpha to Begin Testing this Year [Office 14]

Office 14 Alpha to Begin Testing this Year [Office 14]
It's not yet ready for your download, but according to a now-pulled post on a company blog, Microsoft is accepting internal applications to be part of their technology adoption program (TAP) for...

Widgets - Kite Surfer Goes Out During Tropical Storm, Learns Valuable Lesson About the Power of Nature [Weather]

Kite Surfer Goes Out During Tropical Storm, Learns Valuable Lesson About the Power of Nature [Weather]
Kite surfing is a fun sport that involves using a large kite and a surfboard to get a lot of speed up on the water. It's like wakeboarding without a boat. Naturally, you need a decent amount of wind...

Dashboard - GFI FAXmaker for Exchange 14.2 Build 20080729 (Trial)

GFI FAXmaker for Exchange 14.2 Build 20080729 (Trial)
Without installing additional client software, users can send and receive faxes directly from Outlook

Download - Technorati Claiming set-up

Technorati Claiming set-up
Technorati Profile

Download - Jay-Z's Motorola Bluetooth Headphones Start East Coast/West Coast Rapper Headphone War [Jay-z Headphones]

Jay-Z's Motorola Bluetooth Headphones Start East Coast/West Coast Rapper Headphone War [Jay-z Headphones]
Jay-Z's upcoming Bluetooth headphones don't look nearly as good as Dr. Dre's noise canceling version, but their mere existence sparks a new East Coast/West Coast gadget war. We can't tell which we...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dashboard - foo lnk 1.2 (Freeware)

Adds support for shell links (.lnk files). Read More

Widgets - The Media Manager Queue

Media Manager is the easiest way to write about Amazon items in MT. Media Manager provides a simple queue to serve as a central location for you to manage all of media assets for your blog. From here you can... Read More

Dashboard - PFConfig 1.0.216 (Demo)

Automatically forward your ports with PFConfig. If you are trying to run an application that requires ports to be forwarded, you Read More

Download - GAMES, GAMES, GAMES!!!!!

We love the cool games we played when we were kids, so we found them and put those games in our widget platform (Thank You, Neave!!!!).

Check them out - they are in the "Fun and Games" category of the Widget Gallery.

We have the following:
Space Invaders

They are pretty addictive - I spend more time than I'd like to admit tie-ing the computer in Tic-Tac-Toe - but I figured out the one move that always wins - hehe.

Have fun and let us know what you think!

Read More

Download - ANWB Traffic Information 0.6

Displays real-time traffic information in the Netherlands.
About ANWB Traffic Information
Displays a real-time map of traffic jams, road works, mobile speed cameras and weather conditions of any of a number of regions in the Netherlands. The data is obtained from the ANWB web site. Allows choice of region, choice of information to display, and zooming and dragging the map.
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Dashboard - The Media Manager Queue

The Media Manager Queue
Media Manager is the easiest way to write about Amazon items in MT. Media Manager provides a simple queue to serve as a central location for you to manage all of media assets for your blog. From here you can...

Dashboard - 2008 Tennessee Volunteers Football Schedule Widget 4.0

Clicking the Tennessee logo displays the Volunteers Football Schedule with kickoff date, time, TV and scores from previous games.
About 2008 Tennessee Volunteers Football Schedule Widget
Instant automated access to the latest Tennessee kick-off and schedule information for the 2008 Tennessee Volunteers football games. All games are listed with the date and time, home or away, TV scheduling plus the scores from the previously played games.

- Team logo hot link to the team’s Official Athletic Web Site for the absolute latest information on scheduling.
- Button to play Tennessee Fight Song.
- National Champions 1998, 1950

Go Big Orange!
Read More

Dashboard - Feed Compare Feedburner subscriber graphs

Feed Compare Feedburner subscriber graphs

A large number of blogs and other sites now use Feedburner as it has a number of great Pro freatures and Feedburner also allows you to transfer feed ownership between users. Whilst you can see your stats in Feedburner the graphs are not that great and you can compare them.

There is a site called Feed Compare that allows you to view the RSS subscriber data for up to 4 feeds on a single graph. This means you could compare your competitors RSS subscriber count with your own feed.

To allow you to get a better idea of subscriber numbers you can also view a graph showing data for the last month, quarter, half year, year or 2 years assuming the feed has been in existence for that long.

The reason this is such a great tool is that you can now find out exactly how a sites RSS feed has grown over time. All you need is the sites Feedburner URL which you can get by right clicking on the sites RSS feed icon and copying the URL than pasting it into Feed Compare.

This post is from the Newsniche website and should not be reproduced elsewhere. Why not subscribe to the RSS feed and get this information delivered straight to your News reader.

Download - SpringWidgets Blog is Here!!!!!

We're using the tools available to speed up our communication process. We'll be using this as our What's Up?, New and Cool, Future "stuff" blog so you don't have to crawl through the Forums if you don't want to (of course, feel free, if you like . . . either's cool).

The "wizards" (as I like to call them), aka our development team will add info here as well . . . so keep checking back. Read More

Download - Facebook Climbing to 3rd Spot

The October data are in! Facebook is continuing its amazing climb, taking the 3rd spot away from Favorites are back, stealing the first position from Google Bookmarks. Again, Favorites here means “browser bookmarking”, for any browser. On the Feed Reader front things are much more quiet. There was almost no changes between September [...]

The October data are in!

Facebook is continuing its amazing climb, taking the 3rd spot away from Favorites are back, stealing the first position from Google Bookmarks. Again, Favorites here means “browser bookmarking”, for any browser. On the Feed Reader front things are much more quiet. There was almost no changes between September and October.

Top Bookmarking/Sharing - October 2007

Top Feed Readers - October 2007

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Dashboard - Power Blogging Tips: Comment on Blogs From Within Google Feed Reader

Power Blogging Tips: Comment on Blogs From Within Google Feed Reader
One of the most frustrating aspects of reading blogs through feed readers is the process of commenting on blogs. The typical step-by-step process is: Scan through the blog post titles. Find an interesting title and click on the title to open it and read. Want to respond or read more? Open the post title in a new browser [...]

Articles about blogging tipsOne of the most frustrating aspects of reading blogs through feed readers is the process of commenting on blogs. The typical step-by-step process is:

  1. Scan through the blog post titles.
  2. Find an interesting title and click on the title to open it and read.
  3. Want to respond or read more? Open the post title in a new browser tab.
  4. Scroll around your tabs to get to the tab you just opened.
  5. Read the blog post.
  6. Comment on the blog post.
  7. Close the tab (or leave it waiting for a response or add the comments feed to track comments).
  8. Hunt for your feed reader tab.
  9. Find it and move onto the next post title of interest.
  10. Repeat.

How would you like to cut this down to only a few clicks? And how would you like to comment on blog posts directly from Google Feed Reader?

Enter the Google Reader Preview Enhanced Greasemonkey Script

The Google Reader Preview Enhanced Greasemonkey Script (GPE) works with FireFox and the GreaseMonkey extension. It adds a small link called Preview to the Google Feed Reader bar which allows you to mark posts with stars, share, and other tasks for that post.

The view of the post through the feed isn’t pretty. In this example of an interview with me on Blogging Without a Blog, ironically talking about handling our feeds, you can see that it shows the text quite plainly with my blog’s logo, and none of the pretty associated with the blog’s design, as it should.

With a click of the Preview button, it loads the blog post directly into the iframe of the post feed. It is now the post with mostl of the pretty - but more importantly, also direct access to the blog comments.

I wanted to respond to the comments on the interview, so I scrolled down and read through them all and responded directly from within Google Feed Reader. I submitted the comment and could even read through and check it out without any problems.

Since installing Google Reader Preview Enhanced Greasemonkey Script, the new sequence of reading and commenting on a blog, and bypassing the feed excerpts to read the whole blog post, is as follows:

  1. Scan through the blog post titles.
  2. Find an interesting title and click on the title to open it and read.
  3. Want to respond or read more? Click Preview.
  4. Read the blog post.
  5. Comment on the blog post.
  6. Move onto the next post title of interest.
  7. Repeat.

There is another benefit to the Google Reader Preview. I publish the WordPress Wednesday News on the Blog Herald once a week and always fret over whether or not to use the link top a blog or post I want to recommend via the feeds or open the post and copy the “real” link from the actual post. Which is better?

Which is also more helpful to the reader? What about those using accessibility devices for the blind and visually impaired or disabled which require screen readers? Less and less websites and bloggers are using the required HTML anchor tag title attribute, so the URL would be read aloud. Which sounds better?

When in doubt, I can preview the post and grab the clean URL direct to the site.

Greasemonkey Script Helps Grab Feeds

There are a lot of amazing Greasemonkey scripts for FireFox at Another favorite of mine that I’ve used for over a year is RSS+ Atom Feed Subscribe Button Generator.

You may have noticed it in the examples above. It automatically searches for any feeds listed within the blog post you are viewing in your FireFox browser and adds small feed icons to the top left corner of the web page screen.

In this example of how the feed links appear on this blog, The icons represent my feeds for post feeds, all comments feed, blog posts via XML-RSD feed, Lorelle on WordPress post feed via Feedburner, and the RSS2 blog post feed. These are generated by default within the Theme and some I’ve added, like the Feedburner feed.

Find a blog post you like and click on the feed link you prefer and it will automatically load the feed into your feed reader. No more hunting for that darn orange feed icon. If it interferes with the blog’s design or access, which it does when I’m trying to access the bar, a click of the X and it is closed for that pageview allowing access.

While it recognizes and displays different icons for RSS and Atom feeds, I wish it displayed a different icon for Feedburner and FeedBlitz feeds, and other popular indirect feeds to help the user know the difference. As all WordPress blogs have post and comment feeds, I’d also love to see a different icon for those to improve visual recognition of which feed to choose to add to my feed reader.

I love tools, tips, add-ons, and extensions that make blogging faster and easier. Do you have any Google Feed Reader tips or Greasemonkey scripts that make your life blogging easier?

Related Articles

Site Search Tags: blogging tips, power blogging, time savers, fast blogging, greasemonkey scripts, google feed reader, firefox, feeds, feed reader, google feed reader preview enhanced, enhanced preview, comment from feeds, comment within feed reader, feed reader comments, save time, fast blogging

Feed on Lorelle on WordPress Subscribe Feedburner iconVia Feedburner Subscribe by Email Visit
Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.

Download - SpringWidgets Blog is Here!!!!!

SpringWidgets Blog is Here!!!!!
We're using the tools available to speed up our communication process. We'll be using this as our What's Up?, New and Cool, Future "stuff" blog so you don't have to crawl through the Forums if you don't want to (of course, feel free, if you like . . . either's cool).

The "wizards" (as I like to call them), aka our development team will add info here as well . . . so keep checking back.

Download - The Menorah for Hanukkah is also available . . .

Here's the Menorah for Hanukkah!!!!

A new candle is added and lit for each day of Hanukkah. You can choose from a variety of candles and Menorah colors. I've made this one silver with blue candle, but just click the "Get this widget" to configure in your own way and embed on your page . . .

Thank you Drew and Lani and Michael for creating these great looking holiday treats!

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Widgets - A Blogger?s Life: Why Blog and When Do You Stop Blogging?

Dr. Johnson’s Cat asks “So: Why Blog?”, a question that plagues many bloggers, wanna be bloggers, and wish-they-weren’t bloggers. Why do we keep on blogging when the fun drains away. And what keeps bringing us back. Googling the phrase “stop blogging” gets 171,000 hits: Ten Reasons Why I Should Stop Blogging; Should I Stop Blogging? 20 [...]

Dr. Johnson’s Cat asks “So: Why Blog?”, a question that plagues many bloggers, wanna be bloggers, and wish-they-weren’t bloggers. Why do we keep on blogging when the fun drains away. And what keeps bringing us back.

Googling the phrase “stop blogging” gets 171,000 hits: Ten Reasons Why I Should Stop Blogging; Should I Stop Blogging? 20 Questions to Ask Yourself; 29 reasons you need to stop blogging right now; Why Bloggers Stop Blogging; How to Know When to Stop Blogging; Stop Blogging and Get to Work; etc. The tract “What Everyone Should Know About Blog Depression” (Loss of pleasure in the Internet; feelings of sadness, disappointment, anger, self loathing, hopelessness, dementia; passive aggressive moaning and a steady lengthening of the interval between posts) is now three years old.

And why shouldn’t people be depressed? According to a recent study (via Jakob Nielsen via grow-a-brain) visitors to websites on the average read only 20% of the text; 28% tops. People starting blogs only to abandon them within months, or even weeks, is such a commonplace that you’re surprised this hasn’t become a a ubiquitous trope on sitcoms. Where indeed are the reality shows where the participants, instead of holding out to the last “What have we learned?” episode, instead wander off seriatim, not so much called back to real life as completely unsprung by despair.

Which of course begs the question: why blog at all?

The first comment asks if blogs have a “good until” date stamp on them - and if they should.

The author, Chris Hodge, tells a lively and beautifully written story about his own path through the blogosphere, blogging, stopping, blogging, stopping, finding a sense of renewal, and then depression again. It’s a great tale of a typical blog experience and challenges you to think about why you blog, but most of all, why you keep blogging.

Related Articles

Site Search Tags: blogging tips, how to know when to stop blogging, stop blogging, why blog, what keeps you blogging, how to blog, blog writing, blog struggles

Feed on Lorelle on WordPress Subscribe Feedburner iconVia Feedburner Subscribe by Email Visit
Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.

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Download - Quarter Million Dollars of Digital Photo Gear in a Single Photo [Beijing Olympics]

Quarter Million Dollars of Digital Photo Gear in a Single Photo [Beijing Olympics]
Here's a common scene—but still impressive—at the Beijing Olympics: dozens of photographers firing the most expensive digital photography gear available on the planet at full speed. The sound of all...

Dashboard - Quarter Million Dollars of Digital Photo Gear in a Single Photo [Beijing Olympics]

Quarter Million Dollars of Digital Photo Gear in a Single Photo [Beijing Olympics]
Here's a common scene—but still impressive—at the Beijing Olympics: dozens of photographers firing the most expensive digital photography gear available on the planet at full speed. The sound of all...

Download - Stay Tuned: Untold OLPC Hardware Story Coming Soon [Announcement]

Due to some mysterious server mumbo jumbo, our untold story of the OLPC's hardware beginnings—featuring amazing facts, fun pics and an exclusive video interview with Nicholas... Read More

Download - V1.1.2 of the SpringWidgets SDK is available!

We published a new version (V1.1.2) of our SDK today - adding the following features/functionality:
  • "Right Click" menu support
  • New Fixed Size widget template
  • Option to remove Default Close Button
  • Event for content pasting - (CTL-V)
  • Title attribute in OPML
  • Larger text node wrapping in OPML

We made these modifications based on the feedback we've received since our launch from developers and users in the community - so please keep the feedback coming.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Read More

Download - foo setyear 0.8 (Freeware)

Set DATE field with one click (from context menu). Read More

Widgets - Tomcat Master 1.0

Tomcat monitoring widget.
About Tomcat Master
This widget, once configured, is used to monitor the status of a Tomcat instance. Configuration includes the instance name (for informative reasons) as well as the catalina_home

The widget is smart enough to detect the port Tomcat is using and uses it to define the status. It validates catalina_home by checking for the availability of start/stop scripts, as well as server.xml. So it should work with Tomcat 5 & 6 at least. Tested with version 6.
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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Widgets - 3D Business Cards Are Good For One Application, If That [Business Cards]

During a few of my college summers, I worked in a real estate office making various marketing materials. And browsing through the books of pre-made ads—endless catalogs full of countless tacky... Read More

Dashboard - Meet the Press

Meet the Press
Since the earliest days of television in the 1940's, Meet the Press has been asking the hard questions, and world leaders have answered. As a keeper of this global record, Meet the Press tells it like it is and expects its guests to do the same - even if they are politicians. This Widget pulls directly from the show's RSS feed and will keep you up to date on the world of politics. Meet the Press is hosted by Tim Russert.

Dashboard - Arbor day

Arbor day
Arbor Day is the day when everyone is supposed to go out and plant a tree. To celebrate this day and to help remind everyone that in this digital age we still need to save time to go outdoors and enjoy nature, we have built you an Arbor Day "widget-tree."

Just "plant" the tree on your profile, blog or desktop like you would any of our widgets and watch it grow over time. The longer the tree remains, the bigger it grows.

Our tree has a 30 day growth period before it reaches maturity and occasionally, if you are lucky, you'll see one of the many woodland creatures that like to play on or around trees show up for a visit.

A little bit about Arbor Day:
Arbor Day was suggested on January 4, 1872 so that farmers in Nebraska would have better wind breaks, building material and a more pleasant landscape than the tree-less plains they found when they arrived.

Since that time it has evolved and has spread around the world. Today, planting trees is more important than ever, since they act like a filter and improve the quality of our air, protect our water, save energy, and improve the overall wellbeing of people who live and work nearby.

I remember planting my first real life Arbor Day tree when I was in grade school. That tree still stands today and provides shade for a whole new generation of kids eating lunch and playing games right where I used to. The effects of that one action have brought joy to thousands over the years and is, in hindsight, probably the best thing that I have ever been involved in.

Remember, "planting" our widget is not a substitution for planting a real tree or enjoying nature, so you should still run out to your local arborist and grab a small tree to plant so that you can use this day to give something to the future. Happy Planting!


A complete history of Arbor Day can be found here.

Tips for planting trees can be found here.

Dashboard - Reviewing an Item in Your Queue

Reviewing an Item in Your Queue
Media Manager provides the ability to review any item on your queue. Creating a review automatically creates a post and associates it with an item. When create a review post in your weblog, Media Manager inserts a simple "Media...

Download - 3 things you really want to know about RSS

3 things you really want to know about RSS

I have been doing some digging into the statistics for Newsniche to try and discover what you are really interested in when it comes to RSS. So I have come up with the imaginatively titled 3 things you really want to know about RSS. So here are the most wanted to know things about RSS in reverse order.

RSS publishing tools

The third most popular topic is on RSS publishing tools. Rather than an article this is a section of the site dedicated to letting you know how you can publish RSS on your site. Being able to publish RSS on your site means that you have a constant stream of updating content for your readers.

Which is the best RSS feed reader

The second most popular item on the site is an article on Which is the best RSS feed reader. You certainly want to know which is the best way to read your feeds. This is not surprising as RSS is all about being able to have information from your favourite sites available to you without having to visit every you like frequently. Why not subscribe to their feed and have the content come to you.

Using Javascript to display RSS

I guess deep down everyone wants to display RSS using Javascript as the number one most read article is Using Javascript to display RSS. This is an article I wrote ages ago showing you how you could easily place content from an RSS feed on your site using a snippet of Javascript. That is so 2006.

This post is from the Newsniche website and should not be reproduced elsewhere. Why not subscribe to the RSS feed and get this information delivered straight to your News reader.

Dashboard - Technorati Claiming set-up

Technorati Profile Read More

Widgets - "Plugin Manager Enabled" Badges

Are you a Movable Type plugin developer? Have you built in support for Plugin Manager yet? If so, consider adding one of the following badges to your plugin's web page to signify the your plugin is "Plugin Manager Enabled." This... Read More

Download - ExpressWidgets from SpringWidgets!

ExpressWidgets from SpringWidgets!
It’s a day to “Express” change . . .

Today we’ve launched our ExpressWidgets service…

Up until now you could use our RSS Reader Widget to brand and add a blog to your site or desktop, but you could not add that finished blog widget to our gallery so that other people could find it and share it.

Today we changed all that!!!

As of right now you can use our ExpressWidgets process to create your own uniquely-branded Widget(s) and have those widgets instantly added to our gallery just like any other widget. Build as many as you want and add them to our growing gallery of blogs and desktop Widgets so other users can embed, pass along and bring them to the desktop.

It’s pretty cool. We “expressed” the RSS Reader first. We think it’s the easiest build process for you to quickly syndicate and distribute your blog or audio and video podcast content. Best of all, you can uniquely brand your ExpressWidget to match your website or blog, making it a truly one-of-a-kind Widget out in the WidgetSphere.

To make sure that the end product is as good as it can be, we've added a new way to customize an Express RSS Reader - you can now skin the "chrome" around the content so that it better matches your blog or site. (This is a feature that has been requested for a while and we are happy to be able to push this feature live today).

And for our many Feedburner users, your burned feeds will continue to give you the industry leading analytics and metrics for which Feedburner is known. If you have your Feedburner feed handy, drop on in to the ExpressWidgets process now and add your blog to our gallery to get some free exposure.

Talking about exposure… We’ve also added in a few familiar buttons on the display pages for your widget. Anyone can now Digg, Reddit, and otherwise bookmark your widget directly from the widget view in the gallery – guaranteed to lead to at least a couple of hundred eyeballs on your content ;-)

Go get’em tiger!

Widgets - 0.1

Get the F1 news from
Top F1 News from the Official Formula 1 Website site!
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Download - Editra 0.3.38 (GPL)

Style sheets can be written very easily by using the new built-in style editor which allows on-the-fly testing. Read More

Friday, August 8, 2008

Download - Phonesaber Removed From App Store, Might Make Triumphant Official Return [Phonesaber]

One of the more useless but fun apps on the iTunes app store was Phonesaber, and we say "was" because it's been pulled. This time, though, it wasn't Apple but the makers of the app, The Mac Box,... Read More

Download - Sub-Zero Fridge Uses NASA Air-Purification Technology to Keep Foods Fresh [Eliminates Gas]

Sub-Zero Fridge Uses NASA Air-Purification Technology to Keep Foods Fresh [Eliminates Gas]
Generally speaking, refrigerators are not all that exciting unless you're packing in a draught beer system or it is camouflaged for secret office drink parties. However, Sub-Zero models are usually...

Dashboard - Liz Strauss Invites You to Show Off Your Blog

Liz Strauss of Successful and Outstanding Bloggers is giving you a chance to promote your blog to the world in her Showcase Your Blog at Successful-Blog July 26-27, 2008. This is a great chance to showcase your blog to thousands of bloggers and fans on the blog by the founder of the popular Successful and Outstanding [...]

Liz Strauss of Successful and Outstanding Bloggers is giving you a chance to promote your blog to the world in her Showcase Your Blog at Successful-Blog July 26-27, 2008.

This is a great chance to showcase your blog to thousands of bloggers and fans on the blog by the founder of the popular Successful and Outstanding Bloggers Conference (SOBCon) and author of the fast selling ebook, The Secret to Writing a Successful and Outstanding Blog — The Insider’s Guide to the Conversation That’s Changing How Business Works.

To particpate, check out the instructions in the announcement of the Blog Showcase and email your blog title, URL, blog tagline, a sentence of two about what makes your blog worth visiting, and some advice on blogging or a colorful bloggy quote. The deadlines is Saturday July 26, 2008.

Site Search Tags: liz strauss, successful blog, sob, sobcon, showcase your blog, show off your blog, blog competition, blog contest, blog brag, brag about your blog, successful blogger

Feed on Lorelle on WordPress Subscribe Feedburner iconVia Feedburner Subscribe by Email Visit
Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.

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